Thursday, April 16, 2009



The announcer (if that's what you call her) made our hearts skip a beat when she went Gold... with honours. The juniors burst into tears the moment they heard the second phrase, I sat there with a sigh of relief.

It feels so different to be listening to them instead of being the one on stage. I remember being so nervous back in 2007, and two years later I'm in the same concert hall, but as the audience and not the performer.

I couldn't feel much of their nervousness, I didn't feel my heart racing like it did, I wasn't clinching my fists (no I didn't do it deliberately then). I miss the feeling of being up there, blending with the rest of the sections and EVERYTHING we did in AHSChoir. That's why I went back to watch today.

As a senior, I can only know/hear about the hard work you guys have put in, but not fully understand it. Having experienced it myself two years ago, the term "fruits of our labour" sounds familiar but I think I've already forgotten how the entire painful process really was like.

You know what, I'm so proud of you guys. This GWH is yours and I'm certain you guys deserved it =D Maybe you'll understand what I mean a few years later, the award doesn't matter that much, its all about the music you guys make, and the bond we share.

I may not be one of the most encouraging seniors or the best singer around, but I can safely say I LOVE AHSCHOIR. Congrats, eh! :D

CONGRATULATIONS, may you all remain ecstatic for the next few weeks, and remember the moment FOREVER. AhChoir rulesss!!

Time spent alone after the choir's turn felt so meaningful, maybe I won't mind singlehood. (as long as there's kids for me to play with) :P Okay, maybe I do. I walked from VCH to Clark Quay and took some photos which I'm not satisfied with at all, so I don't know how I'm going to hand them in tomorrow.

Bought myself a sorbet along the way, chatted with a street performer and a shop owner. I do find myself odd sometimes, talking to complete strangers seems so easy for me, but its so difficult to communicate with people I know (but not well). See, its just weird. I'm a CHATTERBOX when it comes to people I know well and people I don't know AT ALL, its so...extreme.

But I guess that's just me, an extremist. hmm.

Sorry if I dampened anybody's mood, really didn't feel like talking. Its not bad mood or anything, today is labelled "quiet day". haha.

Photos & videos coming up!
(shall complete my homework and bathe before that)

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